1. ITI Roing,
Lower Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh:
No. |
of Trades |
Duration of Training |
Minimum qualification required for admission. |
1. |
Plumber |
1 Year |
Passed 8th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent |
2. |
Carpenter |
1 Year |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
with Science as one of the subjects. |
3. |
Welder(Gas & Electric) |
1 Year |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent |
4. |
Wireman |
2 Years |
Passed 8th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education with Science as one
of the Subjects or its equivalent. |
5. |
Mechanic(Motor Vehicle) |
2 Years |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
with Science as one of the subjects. |
6. |
Fitter |
2 Years |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent |
7. |
Electrician |
2 Years |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
with Science as one of the subjects. |
8. |
Draughtsman(Civil) |
2 Years |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
with Science and Mathematics as one of the subjects. |
9. |
Surveyor |
2 Years |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
with Science and Mathematics as one of the subjects. |
10. |
Information Technology & Electronics System Maintenance |
2 Years |
Essential:- Passed in 10th Class exam. under 10+2
system of education with 60% marks put together in Mathematics
and Science.
Desirable:- Passed 12th (10+2) Class with Mathematics
and Physics. |
2. ITI
Tabarijo, District Upper Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh:
No. |
of Trades |
Duration of Training |
Minimum qualification required for admission. |
1. |
Secretarial Practice |
1 Year |
Matriculation exam. with English as Cognate subject or its
equivalent or 10th Class under 10+2 system with
English as a Cognate subject. |
2. |
Information Technology & Electronics System Maintenance |
2 Years |
Essential:- Passed in 10th Class exam. under 10+2
system of education with 60% marks put together in Mathematics
and Science.
Desirable:- Passed 12th (10+2) Class with Mathematics
and Physics. |
3. |
Draughtsman(Civil) |
2 Years |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
with Science and Mathematics as one of the subjects. |
Note: 20% seats
for admission into ITI, Tabarijo in above trades will be done by
ITI Dirang, West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh:
No. |
of Trades |
Duration of Training |
Minimum qualification required for admission. |
1. |
Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables |
1 Year |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent. |
2. |
Secretarial Practice |
1 Year |
Matriculation exam. with English as Cognate subject or its
equivalent or 10th Class under 10+2 system with
English as a Cognate subject. |
3. |
Welder(Gas & Electric) |
1 Year |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent. |
4. |
Operator and Programming assistant |
1 Year |
Class passed under 10+2 system of education or duly recognized
Diploma in Engg. from any polytechnic of 3 years duration after
Class 10th . |
4. ITI Yupia,
District, Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh (Only for Women candidates):
No. |
of Trades |
Duration of Training |
Minimum qualification required for admission. |
1. |
Secretarial Practice |
1 Year |
Matriculation exam. with English as Cognate subject or its
equivalent or 10th Class under 10+2 system with
English as a Cognate subject. |
2. |
Hair and
Skin Care |
1 Year |
Matriculation examination under 10+2 system of education or its
equivalent. |
3. |
Baker and
Confectioner |
1 Year |
-do- |
4. |
Technology |
1 Year |
Passed 12th
Class under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent. |
ITI Balinong(Miao), District Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh:
No. |
of Trades |
Duration of Training |
Minimum qualification required for admission. |
1. |
Operator and Programming assistant |
1 Year |
Class passed under 10+2 system of education or duly recognized
Diploma in Engg. from any polytechnic of 3 years duration after
Class 10th . |
2. |
Diesel |
1 Year |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent. |
3. |
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic(RAC) |
2 Years |
Passed 10th
Class exam. under 10+2 system of education with Scinece and
Mathematices or its equivalent |
Note : 25% of
seats are reserved for women candidates in general ITIs.
Applications are
to be submitted along with attested copies of the following to the JDIs/DDIs/ADIs
of the concerned district.
Birth Certificate.
Place of Domicile.
A Caste Certificate in
case of ST/SC issued by competent authority.
Academic qualification.
Mark sheet of the
examination passed and conduct certificate from the Head of the
School/Institution last studied.
Attested true copy of
School Leaving Certificate.
A Certificate from any
recognized Medical Officer stating that the applicant is physically fit
to under go practical training along with the attested specimen
signature of the trainee/applicant before the Doctor in the medical
fitness certificate form itself.
2 nos. of passport size
photographs of the applicant duly attested.
The candidate seeking admission in ITI
will be required to appear in Admission Test which will be held on
31/05/09 (Sunday) in all districts HQ. The candidates should collect
necessary admit card from the office where they submit their
application. No TA/DA will be given by the Govt. for appearing the test.
On joining the training Institute the
selected candidates will be required to give an undertaking stating to
maintain the discipline of the Institute and take care of the tools,
equipments and other property of the Institute. If they fail to fulfill
the terms and conditions of the undertaking the Principal will have the
right to recover any loss from the delinquent trainees as may deem fit.
Trainees shall be provided with free
single type Hostel accommodation subject to availability of seats but
this will not permit any bearing facilities. Presently a mess in
contribution system is being run by the student under the supervision of
Free training (no tuition fee is
charged) in case of Arunachal Pradesh ST candidates. However, in case of
Non-APST trainee, an amount of Rs. 20/- per month per trainee
will be charged as a tuition fee in addition to the fee structure as
given under:
Library (caution money) : Rs. 250/-
Institute (Caution money): Rs. 250/-
3. Hostel
(Caution money) : Rs. 500/- (in case of Hosteller only)
Registration Fee : Rs. 10/-
Rs. 1010/-
Stipend at the rate of Rs. 350/- per
trainee per month to the APST trainee will be admissible as per rules
strictly subject to the academic progress and monthly attendance of the
trainees and subject to Govt. order for continuance of Stipend. Stipend
will be discontinued if desired progress of the trainee is not shown and
remain unauthorized absence from attending classes. Further merit
scholarship @ Rs. 50/- per month will be awarded to the best APST
trainees in each trade during their training period.
All the above facilities are subject
to the satisfactory performance by trainees. Trainees those who do not
show sufficient interest in studies will be discharged from the
Institution without showing any reason thereof.
Application forms are available with
the following offices on payment of Rs. 20/- per form and completed
forms be submitted to the respective JDI/DDI/ADIs.
Joint Director of Industries,
Deputy Director of Industries,
Ziro, Seppa, Changlang, Roing, Yingkiong, Along, Daporijo, Pasighat,
Tawang, Kurung Kumey.
Assistant Director of Industries,
Anini, Miao.
Application forms will be issued
to all candidates on payment of Rs. 20/- per form.
Last date of submission of
application is 22/05/09.
Please inscribe the application
for admission.
Furnishing of false information or any
fictitious information in the application forms would be treated
disqualification and may render the candidates unfit during any stage of
the training period.
The decision/order of the Principal,
ITI will be final and binding in all matters.
Sd/- Hage Batt, IAS
Director of Industries,
Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh,